~Slander verses the Truth/ Truth vs.Not wanting to Hurt Another
Thank you to all of you who have always given me wonderful and helpful feedback to my blogs. If you are wondering where my last blog went I took it off. Not because I feel that I said or wrote anything wrong, but because it hurt someone to have the truth be told. I am not living in this world with this voice and fueled by a passion to write pushing me on so that I can hurt people. Although my blogs are only my opinions, only my view of things happening and detailed by what I know to be true, the truth in this case is not worth the hurt. And even though others have lied, I will be the bigger person,as always, and let it go...The truth will prevail on its own anyway.
~I am in a country that boasts freedom of speech. Especially when it comes to instances that include writing about myself, I have never written a word in order to try to make another human feel pain. Instead I want only to help,inspire and love other people through my words. I will tell my story still. It will be here and someday it may be published, but I will continue to try to find a way to do it without worry of another person feeling slandered.
~How does one tell a story about events of their own life when they have been hurt by another without someone else figuring out who the writer might be talking about? Although I changed the person's name and most of my readers don't know my family, the one person who might may figure out who I am talking about. There must be a way because there are millions of books out in the world written in the first person lining bookstore and library shelves written about family matters. Actually, from what I've researched and read online on legal websites, I did nothing inappropriate because I only told the truth and my opinion. Still, there must be some way to express the events of my life without having to write in a totally undetailed and colorless way or anonymously. Otherwise no biographies,poems,stories or other writing styles would exist. If after my research I find that there is no other way to write my life story without including important people relevant to the storyline and I find out even further than I already have that I have this right as all do, I will continue to write and have many good lawyers on hand while still writing as gently as possible.
~Anyway, today I learned that being right is not worth being hurtful and hated. Not when it comes to a person who I have history with who I really only want the best for. I have not given up hope on the people that matter most in my life. As for other people, we can go on disagreeing and still co-exist. I wish it doesn't have to be that way but I didn't choose the boulder of a problem that was thrown down in the way of my own lifes path. I cannot force someone else to do what is right if they don't want to.
~The last thing I will say is to quote something we have all most likely heard many times in our life. It has been on my mind today as I think about the issues surrounding the past few days.It is my final message to one person who knows who he or she is..."People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks." In other words... You cannot slander another, drag another person's name through the mud and tell lies about that person and not expect that person to defend themselves by stating the truth.
~I am in a country that boasts freedom of speech. Especially when it comes to instances that include writing about myself, I have never written a word in order to try to make another human feel pain. Instead I want only to help,inspire and love other people through my words. I will tell my story still. It will be here and someday it may be published, but I will continue to try to find a way to do it without worry of another person feeling slandered.
~How does one tell a story about events of their own life when they have been hurt by another without someone else figuring out who the writer might be talking about? Although I changed the person's name and most of my readers don't know my family, the one person who might may figure out who I am talking about. There must be a way because there are millions of books out in the world written in the first person lining bookstore and library shelves written about family matters. Actually, from what I've researched and read online on legal websites, I did nothing inappropriate because I only told the truth and my opinion. Still, there must be some way to express the events of my life without having to write in a totally undetailed and colorless way or anonymously. Otherwise no biographies,poems,stories or other writing styles would exist. If after my research I find that there is no other way to write my life story without including important people relevant to the storyline and I find out even further than I already have that I have this right as all do, I will continue to write and have many good lawyers on hand while still writing as gently as possible.
~Anyway, today I learned that being right is not worth being hurtful and hated. Not when it comes to a person who I have history with who I really only want the best for. I have not given up hope on the people that matter most in my life. As for other people, we can go on disagreeing and still co-exist. I wish it doesn't have to be that way but I didn't choose the boulder of a problem that was thrown down in the way of my own lifes path. I cannot force someone else to do what is right if they don't want to.
~The last thing I will say is to quote something we have all most likely heard many times in our life. It has been on my mind today as I think about the issues surrounding the past few days.It is my final message to one person who knows who he or she is..."People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks." In other words... You cannot slander another, drag another person's name through the mud and tell lies about that person and not expect that person to defend themselves by stating the truth.
I love you Stacy.................you are a wonderful woman and I only hope that I didn't hurt your feelings cause thats just not me at all...........May God Always Bless You Abundantly..............Arbyne