~Poems from My Teenage Years~

I wrote m very first poem when I was in 4th grade(I believe)...My teacher,Mr. Spraugue. said he loved the poem so much that he entered me into a magazine. I don't think it was published. I never tried again until I was in 11th grade when My English teacher told me I should try for The Susquehanna University's Literary Magazine.  She warned me that they only published about 2,000 poems,stories and phots total of the over 20,000 entries they received...It was enough of a warning to halt me but she was so wonderful and so supportive that she "held my hand" through the whole experience...The first year I sent one poem in... I received a letter that stated that they would be using my poem if there was room. The 2nd year I tried(in 12th grade) I sent in a few poems and they were both published right away. My teacher loved to boast that I was the first student at our High school, Mt Greylock Regional, that was ever published in the Susquehanna University magazine. She even wrote a story about my being published in The Berkshire Eagle... I was so happy and actually felt proud of myself. Years later the university did an anniversary magazine. They invited me to send in a new poem along with a short Bio of my life. I remember feeling like a letdown because I was "only" a Mother of two at the time, out of work and school to raise my kids. (now I know that there is no such this as "just" a Mom, especially when you stay hom 24/7 to be with them. It is the hardest and greatest "career" in my life!1 I cannot tell you how wonderful that feeling was though to be chosen to be published.After high school there wasn't as many places that catered to high school poets. It has been awhile since I've even tried to get published.

Anyway, the first poem here is the very first poem I remember ever writing...The poems that follow are from 1990-when I was in the 10th grade...They aren't my best but they are the ones I happened upon just this afternoon while cleaning....

~What I Like~

I like the trees and I love the wind
that makes the leaves blow.
I love the sun
that makes the world
shine amidst the snow.
On Winter days when the sun comes out
I think its very nice
to catch the tail of the wind
and fly across the ice!!

~Stacy J (French) Roosa

In 1990 I was a teenager just learning to stretch my imagination and just beginning to write...Because of my experiences in childhood being molested, being the middle child and many other things, I found writing to be an outlet, a sort of therapy for all my abundant emotions...Always very analytical and quick to write about my emotions, I shared my poetry with my 10th grade English teacher....She sat with me day after day sometimes teaching me to turn my emotions into tangible images for my reader to see as well as feel...I found these poems in a little notebook that a friend had given me for my Birthday back in 10th grade. I have so many notebooks filled with poems,some unfinished and many hundreds completed...I have a few hundred of my favorites at www.thestarlitecafe.com under my Pen name, Anastacia...I thought it would be fun and funny to copy a few of my poems here...As I said before, they are not my best ones but they are the earliest.

~Quote, Greatest Dreams~

The Greatest Dreams
are among those
into the Heart with Hope
and Not
with Envy!

~Stacy J. (French) Roosa


~Of dancing leaves
and the bluest skies...
In the dead of Winter
and the midst of Spring..
In the drip-dropping of Rain
and the blinding drift of Snow...
Of all these things I know....
I know.
Life is but a Moment,
such is Life....
Hold on, Hold On~
Hold on tight!!

Stacy J (French) Roosa


A Dream First Breathes
when Hope Sighs
and a Passion
burns to be Noticed ~ <3 ~

~Stacy J. (French) Roosa
July 21,1990

~Where In The World~Children's poetry

I knew Nothing Of Death
but only Jumped to See
If the World would Bounce
At the Weight OF Me.
The Earth did not give
So I climbed a Higher Tree
But fell to the Orb Unmoving
and Realized it would Take More
Than Me....
I gathered many People,
We jumped on the count of Five
but the earth crumbled open,
swallowing our dive!

September 1990

~Love Cannot Be Taught It Just Is... Hate Is Taught ~

When we first feel Love
we fill a Gap~
A great longing space in our Heart...
This emotion we feel,
this hunger from within,
is flooded with the Beauty that is Love.
In Learning to Hate
We Clog the opening,
Choke the very emotion of our Soul...
The Love seems less,
and the empty space so much deeper
when the Love that once pooled there drains~
All that is left is a barren, brittle, splintered hole
Filled with the darkness that is Hate.

Stacy J. (French) Roosa
July 8,1990

Thank you for taking a short walk with me down memory lane. if you would like to see how my poetry grew and where it is now, please go to the starlite cafe and check me out.Make sure to spell my pen name correctly|~Anastacia~ (spelled with a "C" not a "s"otherwise you will be reading another person, Anastasia's poetry!! You will know its mine anyway because I usually put my name at the end of the poems....) I have not written as much lately as I am writing a Novel but you will see new ones here and there...Thanks for reading!

~Stacy J. Roosa
August 16, 2010


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