~ The 2 Faces of An Abuser~
~ There is at least one man in the world who is a walking bomb ready to go off. You've met him. He's that guy who is very outgoing. He's friendly and he'll literally give you the shirt off his back. He's usually quite popular with the guys but is almost always a part of the "boy's club" where, without words, he and his guy friends believe that they are above all others, especially women. This goes out to those members of the "boys club" whether its a workplace, fire department, friars club...Anywhere...This is to the "friends" who believe their buddies blindly. When he's in the world his face is sweet, his personality is outgoing and he's tame. You probably love to hang out with him. You'd trust him with your car, your family, your life but he's the biggest coward you'll ever meet...if you'd ever be introduced to the "real" him. Still you're not meant to meet the real guy. He's got a m...