~When Love Is Not Enough For One It's Plenty For Another~

When you stand back to look at your life,
when everything you have fought for
believed in
and everyone you have loved
have all become a sad story told by unfinished poems
and endless,sleepless nights of tears,
it finally dawns on you that this is not life,
the stories,the tales~
life is not in the details and how well they
are told
but in the unsaid words
the unspoken emotions
that were so well felt
they have no words to describe them.
You realize that there are some people who were in your life
to fill in the gaps,
just to give you a measure of who is worth your precious love and time
when they promise you love but leave you with a heart
that is broken and weak.
And when you look and see there are only a few beings
that withstand your imperfections and the shades if ugliness that we all have,
only a few real, honest people who love you
for you
and not for what you do for them,
but one of them is not the one that you gave your all to...
One of them is not the person you dreamed of holding you
on the coldest of nights~
That's when it's time to let go of them, feel the love you do have,
take comfort in the people that can't live without you
and feel sorry for the one that could.
They are missing out,not you.
They are lost
when you were found.
Someday maybe they'll find a hole in their heart
where your love once was
but don't waste your love or time
waiting for miracles.

Stacy J. Roosa
June 18,2010


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