~You Were A Waste Of My Heart and Time... Now You Are A Waste Of A Memory~

Wow,  as I was going through Face Book I came across your profile. Suddenly it occurred to me that I once knew you. I haven't thought about you in a very long time. My memory of you is almost like a misplaced, out of focus snapshot that I come across in the couch cushions while looking for something else. There you were with all the crumbs. I spent a good 5 minutes trying to make sense of who you were. It was like staring at a picture of someone I know that I should recognize and having that general feeling that you were a real a$$ but still not putting a name to the face. The more I stared the more I remembered the person in the image being a jerk..And then Bam! I remember! You were a Jerk!! But I couldn't specifically remember why so that is when I go into my journal to refresh my memory. 

You did earn a few pages there. Nothing very interesting though, I promise. A waste of paper now that I've read it...All that I wrote about was about you being arrogant, thoughtless  and selfish...How you collected friends on face book like someone might collect pennies. Thousands of em but no real friends. (Wow. I might have been lost then but I had you nailed...3,000 face book friends and counting huh?) My journal went onto say that you called yourself a friend to me and wished someday to give me "more" yet more never came. One day when I asked about your promise you were gone.(All I can imagine is you doing the Scooby-Doo leg racing to get away). Of course back then I blamed myself. I was weak and ignorant, suffering from very low self esteem. Being a victim to your empty promises was just one of the many things I did believing there were good people in the world. Then there was a blank page in the journal followed by more interesting reading....like my day cleaning the house and the weather.   

It's so true when people say that time will heal all wounds...But no one said it will also temporarily block memories of people!! **Bonus! It is  more amusing now than it ever was real then and I am glad its over. That's the funniest thing about all this...Until 5 minutes ago I had forgotten you. Still, I have to credit you with once breaking my heart. You must be so proud! Not only did you break my heart by lying but you ran off so fast you left no memory...Of course it was a bit easy to mess with my emotions since my heart was already cracked. I am pretty sure you staked your time on that fact. Even if it only took me a bit to get over you, its still a win on your part! SO congratulations, buddy!   Funny though, except to be able to recall  those emotions from back then I don't feel the anger, hurt or anything anymore. I just feel relief that God does not answer all my prayers. He only helps with the requests for things and people that are good for me. Actually, I've already wasted a good few minutes writing about you at all but like to remind others that hearts do mend...And the bigger the jerk the quicker the fix!


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