Things I've Learned in 2012
This is a list of things I've learned this year...that I hope and pray not to repeat in 2013. But hey, if I do, I am sure it won't be the end of the world! 1. No matter how much you love someone, its not worth anything if you don't show them. People cannot read your mind~Or heart~for that matter. So I have learned and continue to see that I need to show my love. 2. A person can be good and yet do bad things. Judging someone based on one thing they did would be like cutting down a tree simply because a leaf falls off and dies. We are all made up of many branches and leaves...So give people a break. Which leads me to my next one... 3.NO ONE has the right to treat you like crap. Not your Mom or Dad, your Sister or brother, your Priest, teacher, boss or anyone else. This is a lesson I am still learning because it has to come from self esteem and self worth in order to believe in this and I am still working on mine. Regardless though of who they are and No matter what si...