~ 12-14-12. A Day Of Mourning~

What I wrote on fb last night:

There were 27 deaths in the horrific shooting at this elementary school in Connecticut, 20 of them children, some of them as young as 5...The oldest I believe was 12... Yet we should give attention and the spotlight to only 26 of them. The man who killed them should not be made the center of this anymore. Have you noticed that each shooting gets worse? That it went from high schools to an elementary school? Those poor kids were barely old enough to know what hate is. Let's stop making each shooting as a goal for some person with a mental health issue to surpass....Forget "his" name! Except for the investigators who need to figure out the profile and life that may have led up to this man becoming a monster, we should only remember the names of these 26 innocent children and teachers. I hope the news will stop giving a spotlight to the man who caused all this death and disaster. We need to demand it by not watching the shows that highlight "him".(I won't even give him the right to have a name..) Keep safe...PLEASE!!! Hugs 

What I read about a half hour ago:


Wow, I am at a loss...I still believe that we should NOT give media attention to the killer so that other kids won't look at the attention as a positive thing but wow...now I am realizing after reading this that we really need to stop looking at the subject of mental health as a taboo subject and instead start to love our children NO MATTER WHAT and give them help, not jail, to give them the medication, therapy or whatever it is that they need to not feel so broken inside.

I hope the world,too, will see this tragedy as an open door to giving help to others.


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