~Who Died and Made You King?~

I am so proud of anyone who chooses to change their life.. Of course it means more when a person does it because they want to and not just because a court or other person told them they needed to improve themselves. Still, once a person chooses to be a better person the reason why is not important.  And like this says above, the better you are the better the world with be because of you.  I agree with that completely. I never would stand in the way of anyone who was trying to fix their problems... I even welcome and sometimes ask for advice from a person who has succeeded in bettering themselves. It's when they begin to do it that is the tricky part...If they do what they want and need to do to make themselves happy and to feel like a more complete person, and if they are truly happy for doing it (without cheating, faking it or where they measure themselves differently than they would another,  then why do some people feel the need to put judgment on others???

Why is it that when some people hit bottom and decide to change their life that they suddenly become know it alls with all sorts of advice...Quitting smoking, losing weight, starting up an exercise regime or taking personal steps to be a better person, its like some people decide if they are going to meet their personal challenge than everyone else should too...We all meet our own goals when we are ready. Someone poking us and bullying us into changing won't do it...

And here's a thought...if you are working on being a better person, parent or whatever did you forget to include not judging or being a bullying to your things not to do list?

And Oh my God, the things that come out of some people's mouth! Suddenly they think they know everything...They tell us what we should do, why and how it will make us happy. They decide that you and I have been missing out on this new plan they have. I am truly happy for anyone who decides to change their life but damn, leave mine alone.

And when did they become the judge of us?? Its as if they think their new found desire to change something in their life is an original or new idea to the world. Hey, thoughtless oaf,  people have been losing weight, quitting smoking, becoming  a better parent and quitting drugs and alcohol for a very long time before it became a light bulb of a thought over your head (or some one above you decided For you that you have to change or else you will be fired, detached from your child or whatever the consequence may be for not meeting their goals.)Whatever their reason for deciding to change, some people become like those nagging, yapping dogs...One minute they are laying around and then In a flash they're barking "suggestions" at you that sound more like commands. Their words are rude, judgmental and often plain old mean!

Here is my advice to those nosy people..If you want to have people in your life (who want to be there) and you don't want to alienate everyone you know, do your thing and keep your finger pointed only at yourself. You have NO idea what the other person is going through. You may be their best friend or brother but that doesn't mean you can read their mind or feel whats in their heart.  And it certainly DOES NOT mean that you are a clock deciding when its their time to change or grow.

And please, don't set up such a high expectation for others than constantly get angry at them when they fail.  Is what you want in your life~ people who feel like they are forever letting you down? Don't you want people to feel good and respected around you and by you?

Here is a tip, If you have a problem with almost every single person who is in your life maybe its not them but you who is setting up yourself for failure. And if it is them, they don't need to hear it from you. Who are you anyway? God??? Who died and put you in charge of telling everyone what they need to do? People are not perfect. People make mistakes. People work at their own pace and on their own agenday. Its not us to you to approve it.  Maybe you are a judge in court, a therapist or doctor...maybe you do know everything (Yeah... right) still that doesn't mean anyone wants to hear your opinion.

Go do your thing, learn about whatever it is you are working on and keep your nose out of everyone else's business.


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