~Its Not About Me~
~I truly wish someone~Anyone~ could explain to me why a man who has been married for 14 years, who had supposedly, until the day his wife said it was over, loved and was in love with his wife, could suddenly turn it all off like its a light switch. Not just the love itself, because honestly, that was not something she felt from him anyway, but the respect and the attention and care towards the kids he's had with her...If a Mother were to dare do that she would be considered the worst mother ever-Even labeled as an abandoner. I don't understand it and yet I know if I ever do understand it would have to be because I was sick in the head or lost my conscience.
~And here they are, a Mother and two kids living in a home that the father has decided is his. A home that is accommodating to 3 people and yet he has taken it upon himself to decide that he will stay. Forget that neither one can afford it alone anyway but he doesn't care. He even brings boxes home to her as if packing is the only thing standing between her and a new place to live. Forget that every single job she has had he has tripped her up on...That he would call her in the middle of her work day complaining that the kids were too much to handle, that he had a fire call and needed to go so she needed to come home early or that when their then 9-year old swallowed a quarter it was her he expected to come home from her 1 day old job to babysit the child while she waded through a toilet under doctors orders in search for that missing quarter. (By the way, she lost her job because that damn quarter took over a week to make an appearance). I won't mention that most of that time he was unemployed having been laid off and was collecting money for doing nothing but still continued to put his own "duties" ahead of hers while she tried to finally secure herself a place in the working world after being a stay-at-home-mom for over 9 years.Or that when she finally found a great paying job with benefits and all he would call her daily complaining that she worked too much, that he needed her home and that he wanted to go fishing. Often he would drop the kids off to work with her so he could go do his own thing...That went over well with her boss. The father had all the time in the world it seems to join any and all emergency departments but no time to look away from the television to see how the rest of the world was doing. It was the first thing he do when he got home. He claimed the tv as if it were oxygen even causing huge arguements over not being able to watch the last 5 minutes of any show...He would complain that it was all he wanted to do after working all week...Sorry, most dads and husbands would want to see their family.She learned to not expect much from him except an occasional "Shhhhh" or something like that. She learned to deal with it.As long as he and their kids were happy then she was too.Still she realizes too late that the kids maybe never were close to happy.
~I guess we can see where all that need to make a man happy got her. Now she is sitting up all night, separated yet having to live with him thanks to her lack of a job and all, and its 4,5,6 in the morning and he doesn't have any respect for her or his kids to at least call to say "Hey, I am partying or (Whatever) so don't worry about me. I am okay." No, the text she got earlier on at 10 pm was that he was working late. Then later he corrected his lie and told her he would be home later after his meeting at the fire dept. He didn't bother to say "Wow,sorry you stayed up all night or that the kids came out every hour worried asking you where I was.Wow I am an insensitive jerk....and to think just a few months ago I was telling you how i loved you and couldn't live without you! By the way, that was a lie too! I just said it cause it made you stay longer and I got dinner made for me,the house cleaned, my laundry done and sex whenever I wanted it." Honestly, I would have really rather heard the truth.Oops, I mean she would have rather heard the truth, the woman that this blog is about...No, not me,lolol. Thank God I am so ready to move on and lose sight of all this. Just hope the kids never realize what a jerk he can be. I can handle it but they shouldn't have to!!!
~And here they are, a Mother and two kids living in a home that the father has decided is his. A home that is accommodating to 3 people and yet he has taken it upon himself to decide that he will stay. Forget that neither one can afford it alone anyway but he doesn't care. He even brings boxes home to her as if packing is the only thing standing between her and a new place to live. Forget that every single job she has had he has tripped her up on...That he would call her in the middle of her work day complaining that the kids were too much to handle, that he had a fire call and needed to go so she needed to come home early or that when their then 9-year old swallowed a quarter it was her he expected to come home from her 1 day old job to babysit the child while she waded through a toilet under doctors orders in search for that missing quarter. (By the way, she lost her job because that damn quarter took over a week to make an appearance). I won't mention that most of that time he was unemployed having been laid off and was collecting money for doing nothing but still continued to put his own "duties" ahead of hers while she tried to finally secure herself a place in the working world after being a stay-at-home-mom for over 9 years.Or that when she finally found a great paying job with benefits and all he would call her daily complaining that she worked too much, that he needed her home and that he wanted to go fishing. Often he would drop the kids off to work with her so he could go do his own thing...That went over well with her boss. The father had all the time in the world it seems to join any and all emergency departments but no time to look away from the television to see how the rest of the world was doing. It was the first thing he do when he got home. He claimed the tv as if it were oxygen even causing huge arguements over not being able to watch the last 5 minutes of any show...He would complain that it was all he wanted to do after working all week...Sorry, most dads and husbands would want to see their family.She learned to not expect much from him except an occasional "Shhhhh" or something like that. She learned to deal with it.As long as he and their kids were happy then she was too.Still she realizes too late that the kids maybe never were close to happy.
~I guess we can see where all that need to make a man happy got her. Now she is sitting up all night, separated yet having to live with him thanks to her lack of a job and all, and its 4,5,6 in the morning and he doesn't have any respect for her or his kids to at least call to say "Hey, I am partying or (Whatever) so don't worry about me. I am okay." No, the text she got earlier on at 10 pm was that he was working late. Then later he corrected his lie and told her he would be home later after his meeting at the fire dept. He didn't bother to say "Wow,sorry you stayed up all night or that the kids came out every hour worried asking you where I was.Wow I am an insensitive jerk....and to think just a few months ago I was telling you how i loved you and couldn't live without you! By the way, that was a lie too! I just said it cause it made you stay longer and I got dinner made for me,the house cleaned, my laundry done and sex whenever I wanted it." Honestly, I would have really rather heard the truth.Oops, I mean she would have rather heard the truth, the woman that this blog is about...No, not me,lolol. Thank God I am so ready to move on and lose sight of all this. Just hope the kids never realize what a jerk he can be. I can handle it but they shouldn't have to!!!
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