~ I See You Now~
As night closes in I find myself in the same place as I have been so many nights before... Feeling lonely and misunderstood, broken and irreparable, I look to Him for an answer~ For he is my Love, my baby, my world. I ask him so honestly, "How are you so certain that tomorrow I will love you? How do you make yourself believe that I will not go away and abandon you and our Love?" Speaking of Love itself, with a tone so loving and untouched by frustration, He explains what love is as if talking to someone who has never before felt it... He tells me all of the ways he knows I love him... He reasons that this kind of love does not just go out like a light~ It will not be extinguished except if by the worst kind of damage that only lying or cheating could do. "I can see it there in your eyes, how you look at me." He says, "Its there in the way you listen as I talk. Not just to what I am saying but my words and the way I express myself. I feel it w...