~Beautiful Night~

I sit quietly watching the dark, fuzzy shadows of the tree's leaves
shivering on the grass below my feet.
I watch for the flickering of the sun's light to appear
between their jittering bodies
as I wait for the sun to finally tuck itself into the mountains
so I can hide once again from its burning fingers.
The wind is the only relief...
It swoops in off the lake and caresses me
while driving the trees mad, fluttering and bowing their branches.
The smells of the warm summer day and today's catches from the lake
are caught in the winds tail.
Yet before I can almost smell the fragrance, it's gone again.
A butterfly catches my eye as it flutters against the strong breath of air.
...It's orange and brown decorated wings bending and flittering
with all its might.
It's gaining on the wind and making slow progress to its destination.
I think as I watch it how we all have some kind of force against us in this world
as I see the beautiful yet simple creatures of nature spar.
The shadows of the dancing leaves below are moving and dimming
as the sun is caught in the face of clouds.
As if pulling it to bed, the cloud and sun begin a slow decent
into the mountains cleavage.
With the sun's goodbye the shadows of the leaves melt into the darkness.
It's just me and the night now.
The moon is up above, pale and comforting...
The wind has slowed to a soft whisper,
flirting with my hair.
I lay on the ground where the leaves once danced for me
in the sun's light.
Looking up to the expanse of the sky
I see the stars are so bright and perfect.
There are sadly only a few hours before the sun shines again
and all this calm is driven out from within by the day...
So I will lay here counting stars and enjoy the night.

© 2014 Stacy J French (Roosa) (All rights reserved)


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