
So much in me to say~
Thoughts like strings of lights to untangle 
and light up.
First I must choose the perfect words...
For they are the very clothes my ideas need 
in order to be conveyed.
Those words, so beautiful and oh so many!
Which ones do I pick?
Like stars in the sky,
my finger points to them~
This one...
No! That one!
Which ones will light up my thoughts the brightest
and stay burning so that in a light year 
they will still mean what I say?
So little time to travel,
to drink from the days and nights 
the sweet or tart emotions life lends me...

To take it all in like a photographer-
My eyes the camera.
My pen the reporter,
the paper my film.

To live breathlessly,
without apology
or fear
and then to pause
for just a mere few minutes
to create pages full 
of these glowing emotions~
So much love
and angst
and hope
and popping inside.
Some days I cannot stop the 
overflowing inspiration
while at other moments I am at a loss
how to transport my words 
from their place in me
out here
for you.
Still, there is way too much to say 
and too much truth in here
not to  keep pushing on.

June 6, 2012


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