~Perfect Love~
Every woman wants to feel special~ She wants to be looked at by one certain handsome man whose amazingly deep eyes only see her~ She wants his voice to speak of how lucky he is to have her and for him to truly wonder why of all the men she could have she would want him. To him she is so breathtaking and lovable, ~She is exciting and he feels so lucky... He knows that when she looked his way there must have been some miracle because he feels he does not deserve her. And the pride he would feel just to stand beside her,,, Every woman dreams of a love that is as wide as it is deep and as strong as the power of a thousand mens arms~ Yet only he gets to hold her. Many women don't know this love, would give anything even to brush the lips of this kind of passion. I have touched with these very fingertips that very Man~ Have been held by him across the miles and felt his Love like he was right here. I laid in his lap, my head on his chest, and in his tight but gen...