~Presence Verses Presents at Christmas Time and Always~

There are good people who work hard, some working two or three jobs and hardly see the light of day but cannot give their kids and family what they feel they deserve for Christmas.Although they know inside and teach to their children that the real gifts is this world are love,family and health, the pride they feel for how wonderful their kids are makes them want to give them at least a few great things...To spoil them them at least once a year...Then there are others who don't bother to work. Although they can work because they are not disabled or such, they get aid from the state&forever have their hand out.In this country if you make a dollar over the limit the state sets you deserve no help from the state at all. Yet if you make the minimum amount (sometimes the difference is so minimal its ridiculous) the state gives you welfare, section 8, food stamps and on and on and on. Because of all the help some people get and the fact that they are still allowed to work at least part time, some people use the money to buy expensive cars and other things they don't necessarily need. Then they spoil their kids and teach them too that life is easy as long as you play the part of a needy person.Their tree will be full of gifts this year but the feeling of pride for having earned the money themselves will not be there. And more importantly the love that we feel for each other and the feeling of being happy just to be together will forever be tainted by the fact that what is important to them is "things". They will be empty. Its not anger I feel but pity.They will never be able to afford what real love&happiness costs&they teach their kids that love means gifts only :(

~Stacy J Roosa


  1. Why aren't you being published?

  2. Thank you,Rick. I haven't tried as of yet.As you can see its tough getting followers too. Either ppl read and return without becoming followers or I am not getting my blog the right audience.Thank you for your sweet comment.It makes me want to try harder.


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