I Miss You
Three words have been beating like a drum in my mind and continue to cut my heart... I miss you. No, not the you I wanted you to be but the real, honest and "take-you-as-you-are" you. Sadly the ball is not in my court. It is in yours....As much as I would like to reach out to you again I have already and I don't want to push you if you aren't ready. You know where I am if you want to talk or to be friends again. I don't care that you aren't perfect or that you won't change....Please don't. Honestly, I never wanted you to. What I wanted then, or thought I did, is not the same. I simply want your friendship. I know you have been here over and over again reading these posts. Just write to me and lets try to talk again.
~Stacyroosa@gmail.com on email and windows messenger
~Stacyroosa@gmail.com on email and windows messenger
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