
Showing posts from December, 2010

~~(¯`’★♫♪•♥Happy New Year(¯`’★♫♪•♥~~

May Peace lull you to sleep at night~May hope wake u every morning&dance u through your day.May all the dreams that awake in your mind come true.And when you are rich with Love or in Wealth~or both~May you share it with others.To my friends & family.You've touched my life in more ways than you'll ever know.You make me Hope,wish and Dream.You inspire me to live deeper,stronger &better.Thank u ♫♪•♥HAPPY NEW YEAR!★♫♪•♥ Love,Stacy J. Roosa

~Presence Verses Presents at Christmas Time and Always~

There are good people who work hard, some working two or three jobs and hardly see the light of day but cannot give their kids and family what they feel they deserve for Christmas.Although they know inside and teach to their children that the real gifts is this world are love,family and health, the pride they feel for how wonderful their kids are makes them want to give them at least a few great things...To spoil them them at least once a year...Then there are others who don't bother to work. Although they can work because they are not disabled or such, they get aid from the state&forever have their hand out.In this country if you make a dollar over the limit the state sets you deserve no help from the state at all. Yet if you make the minimum amount (sometimes the difference is so minimal its ridiculous) the state gives you welfare, section 8, food stamps and on and on and on. Because of all the help some people get and the fact that they are still allowed to work at least par...

I Miss You

Three words have been beating like a drum in my mind and continue to cut my heart... I miss you. No, not the you I wanted you to be but the real, honest and  "take-you-as-you-are" you. Sadly the ball  is not in my court. It is in yours....As much as I would like to reach out to you again I have already and I don't want to push you if you aren't ready. You know where I am if you want to talk or to be friends again. I don't care that you aren't perfect or that you won't change....Please don't. Honestly, I never wanted you to. What I wanted then, or thought I did, is not the same. I simply want your friendship. I know you have been here over and over again reading these posts. Just write to me and lets try to talk again. on email and windows messenger

~The Spirit of Christmas, One True Gift~Love

Tonight I felt inspired to write this on my status on face book: What I want for Christmas won't fit in a box.It's neither big or small.U can't touch or see it but you'll feel it inside.I want the gift of seeing you happy~If we could make each other feel loved &fill each other W/ hope,Joy will soon follow.In turn the gift will be shared& go on forever.Nothing u can buy me will ever be as beautiful as the smile on your face.Not jus t on the holiday but always.Happy Holidays to all ♥ Anytime I write something emotional like this where I have stripped myself of the usual "clothes" we each wear on a social network, I worry that my thoughts might be disliked,or worse, admitted to me that they are disliked. Although I believe that every human has a right to their opinion and know that not everyone will like every word I write,it truly does hurt me when someone(anyone) leaves a negative comment. As usual though my friends were encouraging of this comment...

Getting Healthy

Yesterday I went to my doctor and today I will make an appointment with a therapist.It will be nice to finally have someone to talk to~Someone who is listening,yes,because I pay them to but who will have no interest in the results except to be able to say they helped me. Its difficult,I find people have stopped listening.Perhaps because I don't work or step foot out into the world so my conversation is limited but my own husband has difficulty remembering what I tell him. So, today I woke up and actually had some energy.To spite only getting about 2 hours sleep, I felt revitalized and almost hopeful. I make some egg salad,did some dishes and have been poking around the internet. I am really excited to go christmas shopping and am just waiting for payday to go start and finish the gift shopping.Since I am only buying for our kids it won't be too difficult. I have been thinking lots about Dad. He is gone from my life and although I know that he cannot help the decisions he is...