~ I Choose Pain Over Pills ~
A year ago today I chose to take my last prescribed pain medication and become clean. It was a Christmas present to myself and one of the most difficult things I've ever done. After 6 plus years of being on pain management for a bad back and taking everything from Vicodin to Percocet and finally Methadone, I was no longer getting relief from the narcotics. I found myself taking them just to feel normal....So as not to go through withdrawal. For the many years I was on the various drugs I lied to myself. I talked myself into believing that they were helping my back and that the euphoric feeling was just a side affect that I could take or leave. Biggest lie of my life. It is only after a few weeks that a person who takes any of these medications can become physically addicted to them. Mentally it can happen with the first "high". I felt like I could accomplish anything when I was in the arms of that buzz. I was super happy, organized, social an...