~The State Of Arizona Vs. Jodi Arias...Why The Jury Will Not Give Her Death~
While reading HLN's coverage on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HLN?ref=ts&fref=ts ) and their own webpage of the case against Jodi Arias, it has become abundantly clear to me that most people think she is guilty of first degree murder. From there the conversation about what punishment she should get erupts into a more heated and in depth conversation..The question is whether a jury of Jodi's peers should give her the death penalty for her crime of killing her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander or if she should be forced to live the remainder of her life in an Arizona prison with the memories of what she did to keep to Travis to her company. Yes, the same memories she says she doesn't have.
This "attractive" (other people's opinion...not mine) 30 something year old "woman" Jodi Ann Arias has spent the years since the June 4, 2008 murder of Travis Alexander making up lies, changing her story of what happened that night and playing a coy, sweet and innocent girl to the cameras... After stating that she was nowhere near his home in Mesa, Arizona, Jodi then took cues from the evidence she knew to be true and she weaved another false story. She sat before two detectives and stated that while her and Travis were in his bathroom of his home two masked "Ninja's" broke in and shot Travis. She tells of running down the hall away from the male ninja, of being scared watching the male ninja shoot Travis in the head and said she grabbed her pocketbook and fled from his home when she was given the opportunity. The only part of her story that was true was that she watched him die and ran out of his house...
Jodi's in depth and specific details about the Ninjas were as lame as the story itself. She explained that they were wearing black pants and then said no, they were wearing jeans and that she knew which one was male by the fact that he was wearing black jeans. As if a woman would never wear black jeans? And I find it hard to believe that with all the talking she said they were doing that it was clothing that made her assume whether they were male or female. She wants the detectives to believe that these angry and murderous ninjas who had been threatening and physically harming Travis would simplyallow her to run out after seeing them shooting her boyfriend. This story went on for a while...You can see the whole drama on You tube, Finally Jodi used her "Einstein" level IQ that she boasts about having to realize that none of her lies were working and came up with the story where she was there visiting him and that he was so upset after she dropped his new camera that he body slammed her to the floor, called her names and was chasing her. Jodi claims that her life was in danger from Travis so she went and got "His" gun and shot him. She then claimed that she thought the bullet never hit him and went to get a knife that just happened to be in his bedroom. From there she stabbed him 29 times and then she cut his neck ear to ear. Now, anyone with a brain and a map of the layout of the house would wonder why Jodi didn't simply take a left instead of a right and fly down the stairs and out of the house when Travis supposedly started to abuse her. She has an excuse for everything but none of them make sense. Most of the wounds from Jodi stabbing Travis were in his back...Hmmm, does anyone else wonder the same thing I am? Why would his back be to her if he was so intent on coming after her to hurt her? I would think the gun shot would have given anyone enough time to run down the stairs and out of the house. But that thinking is logical and Jodi, it appears, was anything BUT logical. For more on the story go here~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0PN2QJlqus
Jodi's in depth and specific details about the Ninjas were as lame as the story itself. She explained that they were wearing black pants and then said no, they were wearing jeans and that she knew which one was male by the fact that he was wearing black jeans. As if a woman would never wear black jeans? And I find it hard to believe that with all the talking she said they were doing that it was clothing that made her assume whether they were male or female. She wants the detectives to believe that these angry and murderous ninjas who had been threatening and physically harming Travis would simplyallow her to run out after seeing them shooting her boyfriend. This story went on for a while...You can see the whole drama on You tube, Finally Jodi used her "Einstein" level IQ that she boasts about having to realize that none of her lies were working and came up with the story where she was there visiting him and that he was so upset after she dropped his new camera that he body slammed her to the floor, called her names and was chasing her. Jodi claims that her life was in danger from Travis so she went and got "His" gun and shot him. She then claimed that she thought the bullet never hit him and went to get a knife that just happened to be in his bedroom. From there she stabbed him 29 times and then she cut his neck ear to ear. Now, anyone with a brain and a map of the layout of the house would wonder why Jodi didn't simply take a left instead of a right and fly down the stairs and out of the house when Travis supposedly started to abuse her. She has an excuse for everything but none of them make sense. Most of the wounds from Jodi stabbing Travis were in his back...Hmmm, does anyone else wonder the same thing I am? Why would his back be to her if he was so intent on coming after her to hurt her? I would think the gun shot would have given anyone enough time to run down the stairs and out of the house. But that thinking is logical and Jodi, it appears, was anything BUT logical. For more on the story go here~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0PN2QJlqus
Travis was a young man who worked as a salesman for "Pre-Paid Legal" insurance company. He was also a motivational speaker and throughout his life was a member and high level clergyman of the Mormon church. His parent both died of drug abuse but not before they neglected and abused Travis and his brothers and sisters. His Grandmother took them in and introduced them to the Mormon church. Jodi's final claim is that Travis physically and verbally abused her. After bringing her into the Mormon Church and sharing his love for the beliefs the church held close, he supposedly forced her to have sex, which is against the Mormon churches belief and he made her dress like a young girl. (In photos just found she is seen wearing these "young girl" braids that Travis forced her to wear in the many years before she met Travis. There is a picture of one boyfriend and her and guess whats in her hair? Braids...And she is wearing a Superman shirt...I guess Travis went back into the past and made her wear her hair in braids even then?) Jodi then claimed that she "caught" Travis looking at a picture of a young boy. Not a naked picture but a picture. She realized early on that he might be a pedaphil but she says she stayed with him in the hope to change him. Of course no proof was found of this claim in his entire house, computers and work office. No other person he knew claims to have seen anything deviant from Travis. He was a young man with a very good sexual drive. And not unlike the Catholic church or many other congregations, any sin could be forgiven...even anal sex...Which Jodi tried to claim Travis made her do yet she also did with 2 other men in her life.
I tuned into the coverage of the trial somewhere in the many days that Jodi was on the stand. She was very eloquently talking about the abuse she went through at the hands of her then boyfriend Travis. She talked about a broken finger, even showed how its permanently bent. She went on and on about awful things he would say to her about her being "stupid" and how a child could hold a camera better than her...I, an abuse Survivor myself, was very naive about the subject of abuse. I thought that any woman or man who claimed to be in an abusive relationship couldn't be lying. Why would they? What did they have to gain? How could they use something so horrific that so many people have endure, to gain anything?? I argued to myself that if Jodi was lying why wasn't she giving better reasons and examples of abuse? As I watched and as Juan Martinez, the prosecutor for the state of Arizona, lit into her about the 3 reported stories she told her friends about what happened to her finger, I saw her lies become as clean as that cold sore that suddenly and perfectly popped up on her lips. Jodi is on trial for her life. She was once booked to go with Travis to Cancun, a trip he had won through Pre-paid legal where he worked. As time went by and Travis found Jodi crawling through his doggie door to sneak in the house, then found her sleeping under his Christmas tree and slashed his tires and those of his girlfriend not just once but TWO TIMES, I think Jodi was beginning to pull away. He had grown fond of a woman named "Mimi" and after un-invited Jodi to go to Cancun he invited Mimi. I think this drove Jodi nuts, made her crazy jealous. I think she planned to drive the thousand miles to where Travis lived to change his mind. As a back up in case he wouldn't, she brought her Grandfather's gun that, just coincidentally, went missing in a "break in" on May 28th...Merely 2 weeks before she killed Travis. Still she claimed it was Travis' gun. She even showed them where he left it in the closet. So, let us get this straight?? About the same time Jodi finds out that Travis is definitely NOT bringing Jodi to Cancun a gun with the same caliber as the one she used to shot Travis goes missing. Just minutes before this supposed break in Jodi was alone in her Grandparents house. She claims to have thrown the gun out in the vast desert after the murder. Funny, if I wanted to prove that the gun was Travis' and NOT the gun stolen from her Grandfather's house I'd tell my lawyers where to find the place I dumped it. So, Jodi not wanting to do that tells me that the gun was never Travis' but her Grandfather's missing one. If Jodi was reacting to being abused and killed Travis to save her own life then why did she cleanup the evidence, delete the pictures of his dead and bleeding body, throw the bloody laundry and the camera in the washer, throw the gun and supposed tie they used during sex and then run into the arms of another man..? Jodi planned the murder. She was cleaning and hiding things to save her own skin and she went to her new lovers house to create an alibi. No, I cannot speak for all Survivors of but I find it odd that someone who is so "sure" she was abused would run! If it were me that had defended myself against a man who abused me the way Jodi claims, I would have called the police myself and stayed there to give my side. Still, the evidence points to the fact that she planned his murder. Details like:
1: Driving to another town and bi-passing other rental places nearby to rent a car. She asked for an inconspicuous car. No red colored cars because they get pulled over by cops more often. Why not use her own car? Why pay for one? It's damn expensive!
2: Buy and borrow 3 five gallon gas tanks. Jodi claims that she wanted to save money. She said that gas was cheaper in Arizona so she wanted to save money and, ofcourse, have extra gas just in case she was stranded in the desert on empty. It was found that she never did buy the gas in Arizona. Its thought that the only reason Jodi would do any of this was so that no gas stations on her way to Travis' house would have record of her.
3: Jodi turned off her cell phone so as not to "ping" the cell towers on her way to Travis' therefore making it difficult for the towers to locate her. She claimed that her phone had died and that she couldn't find the charger. Yeah, OK Einstein...You are really showing your brains here.
4: Jodi had set up an alibi before she even left, telling friends that she would be coming to visit. She claimed that she got really lost when she showed up a whole day late. Of course we know that she was "lost" in Travis' house trying to clean up her mess.
5: After Killing Travis, Jodi turned her license plate upside down so that she would be pulled over in the town where her alibi lay. She told the cop who pulled her over that it must have been some kids playing a joke on her as she was in Starbucks getting coffee. She claimed that after coming out of the coffee shop that she found that the front license plate was on the ground.
Here is the thing, I don't think this jury is going to put Jodi to death. She sat on the stand for over a week telling these people stories about herself, talking about her mom punishing her as a kid by hitting her with a spoon. Suddenly she has adopted glasses which of course she is ALWAYS playing with. She pulls them up to read and puts them on when she wants to see the jury and the witness on the stand. (She never looks at the witnesses that are there to prove evidence against her). Still, the mere action of her playing with her glasses, the new ways she wears her hair, the cancellation of court 3 times so far for her "migraines" have all been planned by her defense team. Why the migraines? It elicits concern and empathy from the jury. It makes them see her as a human being.
Even the idiot doctor (I cannot remember his name), and the biased abuse "Expert" Alyce Laviolette have helped Jodi to stay alive, I believe. While they both proved to be 2 more dummies who bought into and drank the Jodi kool aid, there bumbling, unorganized and screwed up fact finding tests will make the Jury feel sympathy for Jodi. The jurors won't see Laviolette or the bald doctor as being anything but taken and in love with Jodi. And they will think to themselves that if she can make 2 expert witnesses that are supposed to remain unbiased turn into experts who like Jodi, why wouldn't they like her too? Still, if if IF they have liars/users/fakes in their lives like Jodi, people who use their lies and "beauty" (UGH) to gain sympathy and attention from others--people who don't care if its negative or positive but as long as its attention-they may recognize that Jodi is yet another exhausting, air and hope sucking individual whose personality and behaviors gain her only momentary friends and attention. I have a few of these personalities in my life. I've had to block, separate and leave them behind just to have a drama free, calm atmosphere. Jodi is one of those "LOOK AT ME" people who is not happy unless the attention is all on her. Just look at the way she shakes her head, snickers, smiles and fake cries in court. She gives the finger to God knows who (it was when both of the defense experts were on the stand. Maybe she didn't like what they said? She draws and writes frantically in court and she only uses broken pencils. Jodi does ANYTHING for attention. She is loving all this and that is why she watches the HLN coverage and tweets on Twitter through a friend on the "outside" whom she speaks to nightly and asks her to publish her tweets.
What I see, and what I hope you and the jury figures out quickly, that the whole idea of Jodi spending a long and memory-stealing life in jail is not going to happen. If Jodi isn't lying (that would be a first) and she truly remembers stabbing Travis, she can handle the memories just fine it seems. She is NOT going to sit around realizing what she did and feeling bad. Jodi will continue her quest for popularity...She doesn't care that the people she's trying to get love from are also murderers and other criminals because attention is attention. Just watch the recording of Jodi singing "Silent Night" and winning the jails "American Idol" contest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h5tTydVPHU She has a few people who say they believe Jodi. A sight where they publish their thoughts about her innocence (Duh, even AFTER Jodi herself admitted to killing Travis). http://jodiariasisinnocent.com/ The website was investigated by one man and it was found that the same people who run the Jodi is innocent page are most likely the same people who did the positive page for Casey Anthony. Further investigations found that the website is bought and paid for by the defense lawyers for the case. *Nurmi and Wilmont* in order to gain attention for Jodi's plea for innocent by abuse. Here is that man's you tube page where he shows how he came about this evidence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9yM2MRM5to
I have a sick feeling in my stomach that the Jury in this case against Jodi will convict her of 1st or 2nd degree murder but will give her life in prison instead of death. As I write this I am hearing in the news that Jodi's lawyers are asking the judge to give the jury new instructions. Here is what I read: "The defense requested the court to add an instruction to the jurors' charging document for them to follow during deliberations. The proposed instruction would explain manslaughter by sudden quarrel or heat of passion. In Arizona, if someone intentionally or knowingly kills a person without premeditation, the defendant could be charged with the crime of second-degree murder. However, if the jury believes the victim attacked the defendant, and if it was enough to incite the defendant's actions, then the intentional killing would fall under the lesser crime of manslaughter.Of course, if the jury believes Arias self-defense claim they could find her not guilty as well. If Arias is convicted of manslaughter, Judge Sherry Stephens will sentence her to no less than seven years and no more than 21 years in prison." Are you kidding me? Over 3/4's of the way through the trial the defense team wants to change the rules? Personally I am torn about the whole issue of taking the life of someone like Jodi. I don't know if it's our right to do such a thing. Still, Jodi has made me move closer to the "eye for an eye" side of the argument... She is just such an awful person, a liar, murderer...a woman who can murder a man she supposedly loved and leave him dead in his shower and then go see another man that she kisses and fondles makes me realize that the only justice Jodi will understand IS death. If the jury gives her death I would not be upset. If they give her life I think I will feel that justice was not done. And that idea is simply because I see Jodi, like a chameleon that borrows her emotions, dress and personality from women that are near her, going into prison and making herself a nice life where she gets to do and be whatever she wants. I swear, Jodi could make the best of any situation. I realize that this statement sounds like a compliment but its not. Unlike some people who can be positive and loving and make the best of a situation, Jodi is a borderline personality most likely and she will use the situation to use, incite and draw out of others their own need to care for and do anything for Jodi. She uses her sexuality to get what she wants. Why else would Travis have kept Jodi in his life even after he admitted in his own journal that he was scared of Jodi's stalking. I know...we don't have any control over what a person does once we put them behind bars but I, as well as many others it seems, am thirsty and starving for blood. Travis needs to be remembered in all this...We need to remember this case as the "Travis Alexander" murder....and NO mention of that awful woman's name in any of the posts, messages and reports. Rest in Peace Travis Alexander...I am sorry that our justice system may never give your memory the respect it deserves. Still, I and so many thousands of people are keeping your memory going and we believe you were a good guy who sadly met the wrong psychotic girl.
Peace and love to all.
I tuned into the coverage of the trial somewhere in the many days that Jodi was on the stand. She was very eloquently talking about the abuse she went through at the hands of her then boyfriend Travis. She talked about a broken finger, even showed how its permanently bent. She went on and on about awful things he would say to her about her being "stupid" and how a child could hold a camera better than her...I, an abuse Survivor myself, was very naive about the subject of abuse. I thought that any woman or man who claimed to be in an abusive relationship couldn't be lying. Why would they? What did they have to gain? How could they use something so horrific that so many people have endure, to gain anything?? I argued to myself that if Jodi was lying why wasn't she giving better reasons and examples of abuse? As I watched and as Juan Martinez, the prosecutor for the state of Arizona, lit into her about the 3 reported stories she told her friends about what happened to her finger, I saw her lies become as clean as that cold sore that suddenly and perfectly popped up on her lips. Jodi is on trial for her life. She was once booked to go with Travis to Cancun, a trip he had won through Pre-paid legal where he worked. As time went by and Travis found Jodi crawling through his doggie door to sneak in the house, then found her sleeping under his Christmas tree and slashed his tires and those of his girlfriend not just once but TWO TIMES, I think Jodi was beginning to pull away. He had grown fond of a woman named "Mimi" and after un-invited Jodi to go to Cancun he invited Mimi. I think this drove Jodi nuts, made her crazy jealous. I think she planned to drive the thousand miles to where Travis lived to change his mind. As a back up in case he wouldn't, she brought her Grandfather's gun that, just coincidentally, went missing in a "break in" on May 28th...Merely 2 weeks before she killed Travis. Still she claimed it was Travis' gun. She even showed them where he left it in the closet. So, let us get this straight?? About the same time Jodi finds out that Travis is definitely NOT bringing Jodi to Cancun a gun with the same caliber as the one she used to shot Travis goes missing. Just minutes before this supposed break in Jodi was alone in her Grandparents house. She claims to have thrown the gun out in the vast desert after the murder. Funny, if I wanted to prove that the gun was Travis' and NOT the gun stolen from her Grandfather's house I'd tell my lawyers where to find the place I dumped it. So, Jodi not wanting to do that tells me that the gun was never Travis' but her Grandfather's missing one. If Jodi was reacting to being abused and killed Travis to save her own life then why did she cleanup the evidence, delete the pictures of his dead and bleeding body, throw the bloody laundry and the camera in the washer, throw the gun and supposed tie they used during sex and then run into the arms of another man..? Jodi planned the murder. She was cleaning and hiding things to save her own skin and she went to her new lovers house to create an alibi. No, I cannot speak for all Survivors of but I find it odd that someone who is so "sure" she was abused would run! If it were me that had defended myself against a man who abused me the way Jodi claims, I would have called the police myself and stayed there to give my side. Still, the evidence points to the fact that she planned his murder. Details like:
1: Driving to another town and bi-passing other rental places nearby to rent a car. She asked for an inconspicuous car. No red colored cars because they get pulled over by cops more often. Why not use her own car? Why pay for one? It's damn expensive!
2: Buy and borrow 3 five gallon gas tanks. Jodi claims that she wanted to save money. She said that gas was cheaper in Arizona so she wanted to save money and, ofcourse, have extra gas just in case she was stranded in the desert on empty. It was found that she never did buy the gas in Arizona. Its thought that the only reason Jodi would do any of this was so that no gas stations on her way to Travis' house would have record of her.
3: Jodi turned off her cell phone so as not to "ping" the cell towers on her way to Travis' therefore making it difficult for the towers to locate her. She claimed that her phone had died and that she couldn't find the charger. Yeah, OK Einstein...You are really showing your brains here.
4: Jodi had set up an alibi before she even left, telling friends that she would be coming to visit. She claimed that she got really lost when she showed up a whole day late. Of course we know that she was "lost" in Travis' house trying to clean up her mess.
5: After Killing Travis, Jodi turned her license plate upside down so that she would be pulled over in the town where her alibi lay. She told the cop who pulled her over that it must have been some kids playing a joke on her as she was in Starbucks getting coffee. She claimed that after coming out of the coffee shop that she found that the front license plate was on the ground.
Here is the thing, I don't think this jury is going to put Jodi to death. She sat on the stand for over a week telling these people stories about herself, talking about her mom punishing her as a kid by hitting her with a spoon. Suddenly she has adopted glasses which of course she is ALWAYS playing with. She pulls them up to read and puts them on when she wants to see the jury and the witness on the stand. (She never looks at the witnesses that are there to prove evidence against her). Still, the mere action of her playing with her glasses, the new ways she wears her hair, the cancellation of court 3 times so far for her "migraines" have all been planned by her defense team. Why the migraines? It elicits concern and empathy from the jury. It makes them see her as a human being.
Even the idiot doctor (I cannot remember his name), and the biased abuse "Expert" Alyce Laviolette have helped Jodi to stay alive, I believe. While they both proved to be 2 more dummies who bought into and drank the Jodi kool aid, there bumbling, unorganized and screwed up fact finding tests will make the Jury feel sympathy for Jodi. The jurors won't see Laviolette or the bald doctor as being anything but taken and in love with Jodi. And they will think to themselves that if she can make 2 expert witnesses that are supposed to remain unbiased turn into experts who like Jodi, why wouldn't they like her too? Still, if if IF they have liars/users/fakes in their lives like Jodi, people who use their lies and "beauty" (UGH) to gain sympathy and attention from others--people who don't care if its negative or positive but as long as its attention-they may recognize that Jodi is yet another exhausting, air and hope sucking individual whose personality and behaviors gain her only momentary friends and attention. I have a few of these personalities in my life. I've had to block, separate and leave them behind just to have a drama free, calm atmosphere. Jodi is one of those "LOOK AT ME" people who is not happy unless the attention is all on her. Just look at the way she shakes her head, snickers, smiles and fake cries in court. She gives the finger to God knows who (it was when both of the defense experts were on the stand. Maybe she didn't like what they said? She draws and writes frantically in court and she only uses broken pencils. Jodi does ANYTHING for attention. She is loving all this and that is why she watches the HLN coverage and tweets on Twitter through a friend on the "outside" whom she speaks to nightly and asks her to publish her tweets.
What I see, and what I hope you and the jury figures out quickly, that the whole idea of Jodi spending a long and memory-stealing life in jail is not going to happen. If Jodi isn't lying (that would be a first) and she truly remembers stabbing Travis, she can handle the memories just fine it seems. She is NOT going to sit around realizing what she did and feeling bad. Jodi will continue her quest for popularity...She doesn't care that the people she's trying to get love from are also murderers and other criminals because attention is attention. Just watch the recording of Jodi singing "Silent Night" and winning the jails "American Idol" contest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h5tTydVPHU She has a few people who say they believe Jodi. A sight where they publish their thoughts about her innocence (Duh, even AFTER Jodi herself admitted to killing Travis). http://jodiariasisinnocent.com/ The website was investigated by one man and it was found that the same people who run the Jodi is innocent page are most likely the same people who did the positive page for Casey Anthony. Further investigations found that the website is bought and paid for by the defense lawyers for the case. *Nurmi and Wilmont* in order to gain attention for Jodi's plea for innocent by abuse. Here is that man's you tube page where he shows how he came about this evidence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9yM2MRM5to
I have a sick feeling in my stomach that the Jury in this case against Jodi will convict her of 1st or 2nd degree murder but will give her life in prison instead of death. As I write this I am hearing in the news that Jodi's lawyers are asking the judge to give the jury new instructions. Here is what I read: "The defense requested the court to add an instruction to the jurors' charging document for them to follow during deliberations. The proposed instruction would explain manslaughter by sudden quarrel or heat of passion. In Arizona, if someone intentionally or knowingly kills a person without premeditation, the defendant could be charged with the crime of second-degree murder. However, if the jury believes the victim attacked the defendant, and if it was enough to incite the defendant's actions, then the intentional killing would fall under the lesser crime of manslaughter.Of course, if the jury believes Arias self-defense claim they could find her not guilty as well. If Arias is convicted of manslaughter, Judge Sherry Stephens will sentence her to no less than seven years and no more than 21 years in prison." Are you kidding me? Over 3/4's of the way through the trial the defense team wants to change the rules? Personally I am torn about the whole issue of taking the life of someone like Jodi. I don't know if it's our right to do such a thing. Still, Jodi has made me move closer to the "eye for an eye" side of the argument... She is just such an awful person, a liar, murderer...a woman who can murder a man she supposedly loved and leave him dead in his shower and then go see another man that she kisses and fondles makes me realize that the only justice Jodi will understand IS death. If the jury gives her death I would not be upset. If they give her life I think I will feel that justice was not done. And that idea is simply because I see Jodi, like a chameleon that borrows her emotions, dress and personality from women that are near her, going into prison and making herself a nice life where she gets to do and be whatever she wants. I swear, Jodi could make the best of any situation. I realize that this statement sounds like a compliment but its not. Unlike some people who can be positive and loving and make the best of a situation, Jodi is a borderline personality most likely and she will use the situation to use, incite and draw out of others their own need to care for and do anything for Jodi. She uses her sexuality to get what she wants. Why else would Travis have kept Jodi in his life even after he admitted in his own journal that he was scared of Jodi's stalking. I know...we don't have any control over what a person does once we put them behind bars but I, as well as many others it seems, am thirsty and starving for blood. Travis needs to be remembered in all this...We need to remember this case as the "Travis Alexander" murder....and NO mention of that awful woman's name in any of the posts, messages and reports. Rest in Peace Travis Alexander...I am sorry that our justice system may never give your memory the respect it deserves. Still, I and so many thousands of people are keeping your memory going and we believe you were a good guy who sadly met the wrong psychotic girl.
Peace and love to all.
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