
Showing posts from December, 2011

Taking A Joke

Its come to my attention that life is a joke....Or, at least, it should be taken as one. I am a perfectionist. I worry about things I cannot control and I worry about worrying. If there is something going on, be it a meeting for the kids, a doctors appointment next week or a bill due, I am going to put all my thought energy into thinking, rethinking and overthinking a possible negative outcome. Lately its gotten so bad that I cannot sleep, eat anything more than a snack or enjoy my life when it is going well. So worried about what might happen, I can't relish the moments that aren't going badly. So I decided last night that enough is enough! I am going to stop letting the "what if" scenarios of my days halt my life. There will be a tomorrow, the day will come and go and maybe come again and there may be really bad days in my future but I certainly cannot make them disappear or go smoother by stressing out about them all the moments and days before and until they c...
I watched that movie,"Whats Your Number" last night which got me to thinking, is there an ex I would ever consider going back to if I were single again? Even if I were to find that they had changed for the better? The answer is so easy its almost sad. NO. Even if one of them were rich, running for a senate seat or well-known, I wouldn't consider even one of them. What needs to change about them isn't their bank accounts or their friends. Its everything that is moral, ethical and is ingrained in the person they are...Or better, who they are not.  I have known each of them since our relationships demise and it doesn't get better but maybe even gets worse.  The last one is a definite no. I am reminded every single day how much going through this divorce is for the best.  I will be relieved and so happy when its over.  Yet until the kids are old enough not to be under one or both of our roofs, it will stay being complicated. I think once in awhile that the...