The Man Who Loves Me
I always said when talking about men that I don't have a "type". That is true when it comes to his looks or what he makes or does for a living. All those things I take as they are when I love a man. I have never chosen a man for his looks and never for his money. Those things won't make us happy or make me feel safe and secure in the middle of the night or day when I am paralyzed by my own memories.They don't make two people feel closer or keep alive the love when things get old.Only real love and understanding can do that. When I fall in love its for the way he treats me. If he can be attentive, loving, giving and sweet then I know it in the first few minutes. It takes some time though to know if he will stay this way. I just cannot be with a man who is gruff, selfish or has no empathy..Not just for me but for all people... Sometimes for no reason I can explain I will cry. It doesn't happen very often but when it does its hard to shut down the pain. It m...