It's A Fine Line
Tipsy~ Toes on the sharp edge of Day and Night. Dark and Sunlight. Itsy bitsy tastes~ Love teases me with tiny morsels of hope that like a damn baby bird I open my mouth wide for the nourishment of His promise... From the other side the dark offers great big mouthfuls of comforting numbness. ...Safety from heartbreak and pain. The line between is getting smaller. It's thinning like a braid undone. I am either going into this place ahead hoping for unseen and lasting sunshine or falling to a darkness soothing and familiar but lonely as Hell.... But a place, an emotion, I know I can count on. Give me a reason... just one~ To jump into this abyss of hope. I'll follow you down but you have to lead... Cause at this moment I am lost and weary... I could fall either way. ~Stacy French Roosa~