
Showing posts from August, 2013

~If You Turn On A T.V. Open Too Your Eyes~

I have a friend whose husband leaves his porn magazines all over the house. Just to use the bathroom a person, including his own kids(and anyone else who visits)can find 3 dozen hard core porn magazines....Imagine what his kids must think about women after seeing them spread out (literally) all over the pages. When I asked him why he would do that he told me that its HIS house and screw anyone who doesn't like it. Which leads me to this...Some people say tha t us American's are too closed off and private when it comes to the subject of sex.. That if we weren't so embarrassed by our own sexuality that we'd have less teen pregnancies and problems in our marriages because sex and having many partners wouldn't be so taboo...I will be honest, I am NOT any kind of expert when it comes to sex BUT as a parent of two teenagers, the day that we are NOT grossed out by what Miley Cyrus did or what Lady Gaga does, will be the day I know we've become too desensitized to sex ...

~Fool Me Once Shame On You...Fool Me Twice I Am Done~

I am officially pissed off at my brother and calling for a cease fire. He is upset because he feels that he was forsaken while he was away(in prison). Then on top of it, when he really wants a pity party, he calls our sister and the together the 2 of them are enraging each other to the point of writing me e-mails, fb messages and status update after status update about "poor little" me. Here's the deal...I am NOT your mother, your keeper NOR your ATM. I am a mother first, a woman and human being. I lost our Mother too. The hole it left could swallow all of the state of Massachusetts and without her I've had to further grow up. I lost my best friend on that February day. Me and my kids are the ones who moved in with her to help her through a very emotional time after our Dad left her. I had to watch her cry, worry about and stress over the loss of her own best friend and husband as he moved in with another woman. Me and the kids were the ones who found her dead in h...