~Another Day Full of Letdown~
I am so pissed right now that I don't know what to do. I cannot believe the actions or rather in actions of my family and others. It escapes me how the hell my own father could marry his girlfriend without telling anyone. Not me or my sister or even his own sisters. That coupled with what is going on with my soon to be ex husband....All that keeps going through my mind is that I have absolutely NO control over my loved ones. I can see a train coming at my own father and kids and there is not a damn thing I can do about it because the people who should be listening either won't or can't. My opinion of my father's girlfriend-or rather wife- have no bearing on my being upset right now. I don't know her well enough to form an opinion. She has surprised me in the past few months with her seemingly caring way with my ailing father yet all I hear from both of them from day one is how much they fight. Tonight I come on face book to find that he has changed his status f...